Wednesday 27 February 2013

{ dan & cheryl... plus one }

Last week, I had the privilege of shooting this maternity shoot for Dan & Cheryl in their beautiful new home. Cheryl has been a close family friend of the Hildebrands for a long time and she also played an instrumental role in helping Caleb get his engineering job (Thanks again for that, Cheryl!), so needless to say, it was an honour to be a part of their exciting journey into parenthood and I can't wait to meet this little one! 


  1. Con you are such a GORGEOUS mama!!!! Great photos, Clara!

  2. ... Les mots me manquent pour exprimer les émotions que j'ai ressenties en visionnant ce MAGNIFIQUE album... Les aux yeux du début à la fin. Bravo pour ces photos!

  3. thanks all for your kind words!! :)
