Wednesday, 16 July 2014

senior picnic session with some of the loveliest ladies I know...

These ladies are some of the loveliest souls that I know. Their friendship is so beautiful and strong, they're amazing role models for the younger girls in our youth group, and their faith in God makes them shining stars wherever they go. 

To capture their natural, inner beauty, I took this lovely group of ladies for a little picnic down the Kennendale Ravine and we all enjoyed some sweet pastries (thank you Italian Bakery!), lots of giggles and laughs, a little bit of boy talk, a little bit of silliness, some sister bonding, and overall just had some quality girl time!

From the inside out, each of these ladies are natural beauties with incredible faith, inspiring dreams, and a love for one another.

“How do you spell 'love'?" - Piglet
"You don't spell feel it." - Pooh
― A.A. Milne

“We'll be Friends Forever, won't we, Pooh?' asked Piglet.
Even longer,' Pooh answered.” 
― A.A. MilneWinnie-the-Pooh

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